Sunday, October 7, 2007 is a free bully reporting service for students and schools. The concept was developed over the last eight years and is a result of my dealing directly with children in middle school who are being bullied but do not want to report it to their parents or adults in the school. There are several reasons why students are reluctant to report such problems: feeling inadequate in that they are not able to deal with the problem on their own; being seen by peers as a "rat" or "tattle-tail:; fearing the reporting will get the bully mad and the bullying will get worse; fearing being humiliated by being force to sit down and talk with the bully; fear their parents (especially their father for boys) will see them as weak or inadequate.

The concept of reporting on is to provide the school with just enough information to start an investigation. Names are not permitted on the reports to deter kids from making false reports for any reason. Many times in school, believe it or not, staff only needs to know a LOCATION where the bullying is happening and just the mere increase in staff presence in that area may be enough to deter the bullying - and no even will know a report was posted. does not inform schools that a report has been posted. The individual making the report must inform the school in some manner: leave a voice mail, send an email, leave a note in the staff member's mail slot at school. Or school staff who use reporting at their school can check the site daily for posts.

The reports on cannot be used by angry parents or students attempting to get back at the school for failing to do something they felt should have been done in any given situation. Any report accusing a school of negligence will be not be posted. is meant to make a bridge between students experiencing problems and their school staff for help. It is meant to improve the situation, not make it worse.

Please feel free to email me with any quesitons you may have about Thanks!