Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Key to Sustained Recovery

In counseling clients with alcohol and drug problems, I begin with a very simple challenge as the key to sustained recovery: Will you still be practicing the changes we implement now in a year from now when no one is looking over your shoulder, when it's just you and the mirror. Unfortunately, many fail.

The clients who succeed understand that recovery is not about talking a good game, it's about making changes that are not messed with - EVER. "Yeah, I'm not going to hang out with my drug buddies anymore" is very simple to say and 100 times more difficult to actually do. Those who are driven to succeed have no problem making this change. Those who have not suffered enough negative consequences from their alcohol or drug abuse usually go right back to their old habits as soon as counseling or probation is terminated.

Much of this has to do with failing to accept the reality of their problem, or in other words maintaining their denial over it. An individual is more accepting of the changes that need to be made once he or she has effectively dealt with the reality of their substance abuse problem. For a free online screening to help you or someone you know determine if alcohol or drugs is becoming a problem go to this url:

The results of such screenings are only the beginning. Don't forget: awareness is great, but awareness does not equal recovery. Awareness plus Action equals recovery. What are some actions? For starters:

Not associating with negative influences.
Refusing to be around your drug of choice at all times.
Becoming aware of your favorite denial and attacking it when it surfaces.
Learning about relapse triggers and avoiding them when possible.
Living a healthier life to reduce drug cravings: having healthy diet and exercising.
Associating with positive influences.
Learning about 12 Step meetings and using them to aid your recovery.
Knowing who to call and what to do if you feel like using or after you do use.

Change is not easy. What is your plan?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mr. Letson,

    You are right that recovery is something that needs to be sustained and nourished continuously.
